Westport Beach Fitness Retreat

Westport Beach Bootcamp Weekend: Aug 23 – 25; make room reservations online at www.vacationbythesea.com (find some friends and split the cost of a room). Use MARISSA as a code for a room discount – online only.   Price for the Bootcamp is $175 (room not included) – 5 workouts (2 yoga, Beach Bootcamp, Fitness Trail Obstacle Course, Power Walk/Run, PLUS – Paddleboarding, Bike Riding (bring your bike or you can rent at an additional cost), Friday night Welcome Reception (light dinner w/ 2 drink tickets), Saturday night dinner, and Sat/Sun breakfast baskets. (lunch on your own). Don’t forget, there is a pool, jacuzzi, fitness room, surfing, lighthouse and lots of other fun things to do on your down time:) Room reservations made online; bootcamp fees paid to me.

The Importance of Having Good Fitness Friends

TRUE STORY: Some language may not be appropriate for all viewers…be advised…

If it’s squalling tomorrow, I’m out!


You will BE THERE!!!
I fricken did bootcamp in the rain. We have been sprayed in the face with hoses during Hell run!! YOU WILL BE THERE!!

Marissa Maples Schroeder
FRICK! Ok!!!

Shannon Sommer Heiss

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That felt good!!



What time again???



No we said 10am


OK I will be there will bells on!


Doubt it

Ok, maybe not the damn bells.


I am enjoying ALL this pain you are going through!!!





That’s right!!


It’s February, It’s Heart Month!  I encourage you all to think about your heart this month and the things that contribute to its health. Heart Disease is the leading preventable killer in America. Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure are preventable health hazards that can be reversed or decreased. The best way to keep yourself from having heart disease is to PREVENT it. Get your total cholesterol including LDL and HDL ratios checked at least once a year and check your blood pressure regularly. Cholesterol can block blood from moving through the body, high blood pressure can compound that by trying to force more blood through a narrower space.  Exercise helps to increase blood flow through the body, strengthens the heart muscle so it pumps more blood per contraction, decreases the risk of blood clots and helps to send oxygen throughout the body including the brain.  A diet high in fiber and low in saturated fat can contribute to improved heart health as well.  Decrease your risk for heart disease…get checked, get good nutrition, and get moving!!!


Giving You A Hand in Your Health
First noted by Alexander the Great in his conquest of India in 327 BC, the banana is America’s top-selling fruit.
Contrary to common perception, the banana actually comes from the world’s largest herbaceous flowering plant – not from a tree. Bananas grow in bunches called “hands”; a group of hands make up a “stem,” which can weigh over 100 pounds. Nutritional profile. Bananas are known to be rich in potassium. A medium banana can contain 400 – 600 miligrams of it. A fruit this size also has 2 grams of protein and 4 g of fiber, is very low in calories and fat, and provides a multitude of vitamins and minerals.

For Your Health
Bananas are known to help treat anemia; lower blood pressure; resolve bowel issues and constipation; boost brain power and energy levels; fight depression; soothe heartburn; replenish the body during hangovers; prevent morning sickness; soothe mosquito bites; calm nerves; helps with seasonal affective disorder; and decrease stress.

Buying, eating, and unusual uses
Fresh bananas are available year-round. They ripen best off the plant. The more ripe they are, the sweeter they taste. After you’ve eaten a banana, you can use the skin in place of plastic wrap to keep food fresh and give it a unique taste. The peel can also be used to polish shoes!

Sacred status
The banana tree is sacred in many cultures. It is associated with fertility and prosperity for Hindus. Malay women bathe with banana concoctions after childbirth. In India, the banana flower is regarded as a sign of goodluck and is often tied to the head for important ceremonies, such as weddings…

By Jessica Cline; IDEA FITNESS JOURNAL Jan 2012; 59.

Mele Kalikimaka!!!

Hope your holiday season is filled with positive self talk, stress reduction techniques, exercise and gratitude! 

Today some colleagues and I attended a great TRX training.  I’m now TRX Qualified.  That means great upcoming challenges, new exercises, calorie burning routines and motivation to get you through the holiday season and kick off your new year. 

Exercising through the holidays helps you keep from gaining those holiday pounds, relieves stress and anxiety, and gives you a great feeling of well being. 

Join me for class this month.

Mondays 5:45 pm TRX

Wednesdays 5, 5:30 and or 6 pm for Core, Total Body and Boxing

Saturdays 7:15 am  Bootcamp

Remember, guests are always welcome!

Fitness Updates

November TRX is $5 off.  Register October 23rd for the November session.  Mondays at 5:45pm

Fall Outdoor Bootcamp T/Th 5:30 pm and Saturdays 7 am; Non members are invited to drop in at $10/class.  We’ll be inside during very inclement weather, but please dress in layers for cooler fall days.

I have an Aqua Zumba instructor subbing for me through November!!!  Yeah, come out and try a new class and have fun!  Mondays at 6:45 pm.

Hope you make time to workout through the Fall Holiday Season!  Get up, get out and get on with it!

Fall is Here

Fall is here, not in true seasonal terms, but definitely in terms of scheduling.  With kids going back to school and participating in new activities,  it’s a great time to regroup, regoal and figure out what will work for you in the coming months.  Remember to make time for yourself and find new and exciting ways to stay motivated even with a new and busier schedule.  Go back to what your motivation is, post it on your desktop, tape it to your mirror, your refrigerator or post it on your phone. Share your goals with friends on FB or at coffee so there is accountability.  If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of any one else.

Brook’s Mantra

My sister’s old colleague and I used to laugh about how no nonsense my sister, Brook was regarding upcoming goals or tasks.  Mind you, Brook has a Masters in Civil Engineering and Business and has accomplished a many great things both professionally and personally in her early adulthood.  When she was rallying a bunch of her civil engineering girlfriends to do a triathlon for the first time she would just tell them, “Geez, how how card it be?”  Her thought process is one in which is so simple, yet we seem to overlook it, thinking that certain goals are sooooo beyond what we’re capable of.  She takes each goal and breaks it down.  If you want to do a triathlon, well then, just begin training for it.  You just put a plan together and start today.  If it takes you 3 months to prepare, so be it, if it takes you longer, so be it.  But if you just start now, do the work, then anyone is capable of accomplishing their goal.  If you want a college degree, then sign up, find financing, and show up.  If you want something enough, there is essentially always a way.  So, for some of you that are having a hard time starting, just remember what Brook says, “how hard can it be?”.  What do you have to do to lay the foundation down to begin, and simply put…..just begin.